URL Dial Cisco Voip Phone with Curl and Filemaker

Curl Instructions

Make your Cisco VOIP phone dial a number from the command line with curl. Do NOT put any spaces in between phone number digits.
To get your phone's IP address go to Information and Settings > Status > Network Satus > IP Address.

curl --data "XML=<CiscoIPPhoneExecute><ExecuteItem URL=\"Dial:XXXXXXXXXX\"/></CiscoIPPhoneExecute>" http://IPADDRESS/CGI/Execute

If your phone has a username and password add Authorisation header with the -H option. My phone doesn't have one set.

curl -H "Authorization: Basic MTIzOjEyMw==" --data "XML=<CiscoIPPhoneExecute><ExecuteItem URL=\"Dial:XXXXXXXXXX\"/></CiscoIPPhoneExecute>" http://IPADDRESS/CGI/Execute

If you want verbose output from curl add -v option

curl -v --data "XML=<CiscoIPPhoneExecute><ExecuteItem URL=\"Dial:XXXXXXXXXX\"/></CiscoIPPhoneExecute>" http://IPADDRESS/CGI/Execute

Filemaker Instructions

To dial out on Cisco phone from a filemaker script create a script then use the insert from URL script step as follows.

Insert from URL [Select; YOUR::FIELD; "httppost://IPADDRESS/CGI/Execute?XML=<CiscoIPPhoneExecute><ExecuteItem URL=\"Dial:XXXXXXXXXX\" /></CiscoIPPhoneExecute>"]
Note httppost only works on Filemaker 13 or greater.

Further Information

Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Development Notes, Release 7.1(3)